The power of one sermon

One against three?

This preacher was the only one of the four who preached at the GC Session in 1995, in support of the “Biblical teaching about gender roles” and against the NAD request to allow ordination of women only in the specific world divisions. The result of the speech: of the 2,154 votes cast, 1,481 voted against the request, 673 voted for.

So which strong arguments were given? This 22 minutes video is the recording of the speech and gives the answer.

The Bible was given to live by it, not for doubts

Dr. Gerard Darmsteegt’s speech gave the main arguments for and against. The answers were extremely short. The Bible was the grounds for all of the conclusions. He showed how our fundamental beliefs were connected with the issue. Gerard predicted what would happen in future, if the controversy was to be continued. Now we who are living 22 years after this presentation, can see if the things he had predicted, are coming true.


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More info? “The Adventist Ordination Crisis” (an online book) is recommended.
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