A quote in its context
Many SDA lay members and pastors in different countries have noticed that some Ellen White quotes and style for Thursday and Friday sections of the Sabbath School lesson nr. 5, year 2020 opened the way for doubtful interpretations. Many are confused because of that, though the quarterly studies are exceptionally good. I was confused, so if you are too confused, you are not alone!
Below I give the 2 quotes from Sabbath school lesson in their original context. That sets things in order (as usual when we take context as we should).
First, here is the quote as it is given in the Sabbath School (without the fuller context, which in this case has unfortunately lead to distortion of its original meaning):
“When you make the Bible your food, your meat, and your drink, when you make its principles the elements of your character, you will know better how to receive counsel from God. I exalt the precious word before you today. Do not repeat what I have said, saying, ‘Sister White said this,’ and ‘Sister White said that.’ Find out what the Lord God of Israel says, and then do what He commands.”—Ellen… Les hele artikkelen