It pains me to think that greater facilities are not provided for the work throughout Europe. I have sore heartache as I think of the work in Switzerland, Germany, Norway, and Sweden. Where there are one or two men struggling to carry forward the different branches of the cause, there should be hundreds at work.—Testimonies for the Church 6:24-26 (1900). {Ev 408.1}
The time has come for much to be accomplished in Europe. A large work, such as has been done in America, can be done in Europe. Let sanitariums be established, let hygienic restaurants be started. Let the light of present truth shine forth from the press. Let the work of translating our books go forward. I have been shown that in the European countries lights will be kindled in many places. {Ev 409.1}
There is a work to be done in Scandinavia. God is just as willing to work through Scandinavian believers as through American believers. {Ev 409.3}
The Silent Messenger— … Even if they shut the door in your face, do not hasten away in indignation, and make no further effort to save them. Ask God in faith to give you access to those very souls.… Les hele artikkelen